oil painting - 18"X 24" 12/1988. When we take on Life, and step out into the fracas of changing existence, there is much vital energy present. Body(Red), Mind(Yellow), and Spirit(Blue) work together to keep the Soul on track, to get you down the Road of Life. It's crazy, it can be lonely, painful, you can get lost, you can be pushed back again and again, but, eventually, you will make it through. Remember, there is no Time and Space, and we have created the experience we are involved in, in order to learn and progress. You keep your eye on the Light at the end of the tunnel, and not on the darkness, if you want to make it through. As stated in the I'Ching: "The Superior Man keeps his eye on an end that endures". What endures, is the Timeless, the Absolute, the Divine - God. |