oil painting - 48"X 84" 10/2010 The moment of contact is full of power, and creates waves of energy, which flow outward from the source, changing everything they come in contact with. Emotion, Love, Passion, Caring - all are vehicles for the potent power of Touch. We need each other, we need to be touched, and it has been proven that the lack of touching can be injurious to the health of the human organism. In this image, Man is below Woman, and he raises her up, as is expressed by the Hexagram for Peace, in the I'Ching. The pattern of energy in this piece is based on the Heart, or Anahata Chakra, which is seen as a 6-sided Jewish star, showing the upward-moving male triangle (or Lingam), in white, and the downward-moving female triangle (or Yoni), in black. Where the two intersect, a spectrum of Life is made manifest. The pattern used was a breakthrough discovery for me, as I came to see that the white triangle is created by the union of three rays of Light - Red, Yellow, and Blue, (or Body, Mind and Spirit). The Black triangles actually represent the Space that exists behind the image, as is expressive of the Void of the Goddess - Before there was anything, there was Nothing. |