"The Essence of Being"
oil painting - 29"X 34" 12/2013. This painting depicts the Tantric concept of the union of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine archetypes, the Shiva Lingam, and the Shakti Yoni, in perfect Bliss. Yab/Yum (Father/Mother) is one of the icons often depicted on Tibetan Thangka paintings, representing the Absolute Unification of all Duality (What a concept!) The Dance of Bliss, as Shiva and Shakti interact, is thus conceived of as our experience of Life. It's dual nature is expressed throughout our existence, with ethereal Spirit encased in material Body. Life and Death, Man and Woman, Beauty and Ugliness, Old and Young, Rich and Poor - these are all just parts of the Dance, the Veils of Illusion, weaving a web of Mystery and Drama into our lives. To find the balance, even for just an infinite moment, is to experience the Bliss State. All is good. Life is wonderful. Don't you agree? Would you like to dance? |